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3D Printing Software (CAD)

Below is a list of free CAD software as well as image to 3D converters. To be able to print your 3D Model you will need a 3D Printer and a 3D Software also called CAD (computer-aided design) editors. After that you will need a program which can convert the 3D design into 3D code which can be understood by your 3D machine. Each software has advantages and disadvantages. Make sure to read the description of each one.

Image to 3D Converter

Below is a list of the most popular free 2D to 3D converter software. After creating your 3D design, make sure to save it in a format that your 3D printer will understand such as (.stl, .gcode ...).

2D Image to 3D Converter

This program helps you convert images to .stl which is the format used by 3D printers. 2D Image to 3D Generator.


Free 3D Software

Below is a list of the most popular free CAD software. After creating your 3D design, make sure to save it in a format that your 3D printer will understand such as (.stl, .gcode ...).


FreeCAD is aimed directly at mechanical engineering and product design but also fits in a wider range of uses around engineering, such as architecture or other engineering specialities. FreeCAD is currently in a beta stage of development.



LibreCAD uses the AutoCAD DXF file format internally for import and save files, as well as allowing export to many other file formats. Most of the interface and handle concepts are analogous to AutoCAD, making it easier to use for users with experience of this type of commercial CAD application.



QCAD is a free computer-aided design (CAD) software application for 2D design and drafting. It is available for Linux, Apple OS X, Unix and Microsoft Windows. The QCAD GUI is based on the Qt framework.


3D Printing Program

After you create your 3D model, you will need a software which will communicate with the 3D printer and ask it to print the modle. Below is a list of the most popular free programs.


This software generates a code and give commands to the 3D printer to process the 3D model. It uses .stl or Gcode and it also converts .stl to Gcode. Please note that this software is not for creating 3D models. It allows you to print 3D models which you created already with the CAD software (ie. the ones listed above).


Now that you checked the free software list of 3D printing, you might want to check out the hardware and software section and how to design your models here: 3D Printing Hardware Guide or 3D Printing Software Guide.

3D Samples